Tuesday 29 April 2014

Music Video Synopsis

The general idea of my music video is based behind the idea of escaping. The main character in the video is escaping from his issues returning back to a happier place in his life. The video concentrates on his mental battle and his attempt at escaping from his inner demons.  The video will be set on Winterton/Hemsby dunes. The video will start off relatively slow revealing the character and his issues. Once the chorus begins, the pace will increase and the action begins. The main character is looking paranoid and adjudicated. He runs  up and over dunes falling over in the process. He then stumbles down to the beach line continuing to fight his demons. The song reaches its most powerful moment as the main character its physically fighting back until he falls down into a Heep and lays still. The next verse shows him slowly sit up and then proceeds to walk away the audience unsure if he has won or lost the mental battle.

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